Soll- und Ist Zustand
In Soll- und Ist-Zustand I want to visually contrast the duality of label and example, input and output, practice and perfection using 2 projectors and also question the associated normalized attributes. Through the data sets an actual state of our society shall be shown and how little utopias play a role in the target state of data sets. The acoustic component of the composition is to be in a rhythmic dialogue with the images, whereby a deviation of the synchronicity of image and sound is also to demonstrate a phenomenologically intuitive state of should and is.
The recording is a mix of the two performances at the Lange Tag der Neuen Musik and the Klang und Realität Sommerfest, where the recording at the Sommerfest consists only of a single screen. There is a photo below which shows the setup at the Sommerfest with the two screens.
Performance @ Klang und Realität Sommerfest
Performance @ Kunstakademie Düssledorf
A remixed version which uses one projector and emphasis on the distortion of label and example.
Performance @ Langer Tag der neuen Musik
Setup @ Partika Saal